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“Mommy, are you fat on purpose?”


After hearing these innocent words spoken by our 9 year old daughter, Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears.


She felt ashamed, heartbroken and humiliated.


“Am I really fat on purpose?” 


Elizabeth kept asking herself as her worst fears came alive.

She remembered everything she had done...


All the painful diets that failed her one by one, keto, paleo, Atkins, every breath taking exercise, exhausting push ups, joint wrecking squats... 


Every health guru that promised her she’ll get better if she just follows their miracle formula…


It was all for nothing.


Not one pound less on that bathroom scale, not one doctor could explain to her why she had gained so much weight since her last pregnancy…


This was truly…


Elizabeth’s breaking point.


Crying and with her face red, my wife grabbed both my hands, stared into my eyes and asked me something that haunts me up to this day.


“What terrible thing have I done to suffer so much?” she said.


It was the single most painful moment I had to endure in all my life and I wished right then to have been able to help my wife… but the fact is… I couldn’t.


I’ll never forget what happened next, but there’s a reason why I’m telling you this.

You see, as I watched my wife at the end of her rope, I felt angry beyond words. 


But it also gave me the courage to go on an incredible 16 months quest, where I would uncover the shameless lies of the money grabbing weight loss industry…


And would eventually lead me to discover the one thing that not a single doctor, health guru or phony dietician has been able to figure out.


The one natural and inexpensive solution to my wife’s excessive body weight.

The only thing that has helped this beautiful 47 year old mother and wife drop 64 pounds in a matter of weeks.


Going from this… [Elizabeth before] to this… [Elizabeth after].

(SEE pictures In Diagram)




Lepto Fix

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